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Spring 2024

Welcome to our news page. The place to find out what we have been up to.  

Building Work Update 10th May

Block work and steel work progressing on the main hall

The new toilets and showers under construction

The 2 story offices extension is up to the first floor.

We now have a separate news page for Building Work updates where you can follow progress from start to finish. Just Click Here to take a look.

You can see our Press Release about the grant we have been given. Click Here to take a look.

Scout Events in January 2024

The Scouts are working on the Mechanic Badge. They went on a visit to City College to learn about vehicle maintenance as well as building bird boxes and doing a Lego challenge:

Group of mechanics 
Scouts with badge certificates

under car

Under car lift
It is much easier to work underneath in this way

Lego challenge

Bird Box Time

We learn lots of new skills in Scouting and a bit of woodwork is a really useful thing to be able to do. As always, we learn using the Scouting Method of learning by joining in.

Here you see the Scouts in action honing their woodworking skills on bird boxes. The birds will be grateful. I am sure you will agree there is a fine selection of different boxes on the table,
bird box
on floor
bird boxes galore

Christingle Service

Christingle services bring the magic of Christmas. Here we are in Wroxham Church with Rev Liz.



andy lighting

small christingle
candle light


group in candlelight

in asile


The 25th World Scout Jamboree in Korea

A Jamboree is a large Scout camp with participating Scouts drawn from all over the World.
World Scout Jamborees are the biggest ones and take place every 4 years.
In 2023, the 25th WSJ was held in Korea, and two of our Leaders, Cath and Nigel, were at the camp as part of the International Service Team (IST). This is a team of up to 10,000 adults who make the camp happen for the 45,000 participants.
The tiger is called Chingu by the way and was the logo of the UK participants at the Jamboree.
Many of you will have seen news reports about problems at the Jamboree. There were problems with infrastructure not working and some serious weather problems including monsoon rain causing flooding, a heatwave with temperatures in the high 30s with 90% humidity and then, finally, Typhoon Khanun put the emergency evacuation plan into operation.

Despite the problems, Cath and Nigel had a fun and interesting time at the Jamboree. Cath was involved with running coach visits to an offsite archaeological site and Won Buddhist temple. Nigel was running a dance activity and helping with the Ham Radio station. After the site was evacuated, they moved to the capital Seoul and were involved with running Jamboree activity bases around the city.

Here are a few photographs:

Nigel finally finds a cup of tea at the UK food house

Scouts from round the world show us their dance moves

Ham Radio
The Ham Radio team with their aerials

surreal in Seoul
Cath (middle) being surreal in Seoul

The 26th WSJ will be in Poland in 2027. Be ready.


It is so nice to be able to go camping together as a group again. This year our Group Camp was at the fantastic Mike Thurston Water Activities Centre at North Walsham and we had over 60 people camping and enjoying a wide range of activities.

The District climbing tower was on site and we had a range of things to take part in which included:

Rifle Shooting
Climbing and Abseiling
Sailing boats
Traditional Raft Building
Camp fires
and much more.
climbing tower

The weather was kind although it was a bit cold at night. We would like to thank our friends at the 3rd Bromley Scout Group who came along and gave us such good support as well as their good company.

Of course, what you really want are photographs, so here are some:

Every good camp needs a pile of pallets. We took 60. They make kitchens, they make furniture, they make seats, they make lovely hot fires for cooking and much more. Some people just enjoy bashing them with hammers.

A good camp breakfast has a lot of bacon and sausage.

lighting fire
Lighting the camp fire.

The camp fire was soon burning

"Father Abraham had seven sons......"

As it gets darker we all need a marshmallow. Preferably hot and black.

How many have you had? - Well I had eight so far.

Topper sailing
Toppers are great fun to sail but get it wrong and in you go.

This is what happens when you capsize. Safety boats were on hand.

pallet sledge
Its amazing what you can make from a pallet. Extra points for imagination.

square lashing
Nigel demonstrates how to make a raft. You use a traditional square lashing and it has to be tight.

Rafts head for the water, but will they float?

We are floating and the lashings were tight.

So, if we are still afloat, it must be time for some raft races.

Are we winning or just going the wrong way.

Shooting action

Tom's paracord creations are as popular as ever.

Setting out on a hike to Pigney's Wood

Time to cook dinner. Looks like people are waiting.

cooking pasta
Chefs in action

This is nice.

Tables can be made out of pallets. Marc demonstrates an unusual way of doing it.

The Beavers were at camp for their sleepover. That tent looks cozy.

                            fire entertainers
This year, the Patrols put on some excellent camp fire entertainments. This one involved dance.

Pirate ship
"I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me......"

Camp fire stories are always popular

washing up
Washing up is a chore at camp, but this site has special sinks.

The campers had a challenge to make a present and cards for Terry who had a special birthday. Here we see him being presented with a camp bird box.

Learning about tracking signs.

Thanks to Rob and Nigel for the camp pictures. There are more. Ask if you want them.

The Beavers make Lanterns

Its always more fun in the dark, but a lantern is always useful when you are outside. Even better when you make your own.

Beaver and
Beaver and
Beaver and
Beaver and

Outside with

Spooky Beavers at Halloween

Halloween is a chance to dress up and do all sorts of daft things. Here are the Beavers doing just that:


line of spooky

Mummy again

A Twist is a long strip of home made bread which you cook over a camp fire by twisting it round a stick. They really do taste nice.

Of course, half the fun is getting your hands in the mixture. They taste particularly good with a lot of chocolate spread on them.

It can get a bit messy, Here are a few pictures. See for yourself.

get your hands

cooking twists

Beavers and chocolate spread are a messy mix.


Cubs like to make twists too.

As you can see, they taste good.

Cubs eating

news in brief


Press Release
A press release giving details of the grant which is paying for the HQ rebuilding project is now available. Click Here.


Builder and Architect

The builder of the HQ Project is P D Drake Ltd.
The Architect is Roger Connolly.

Awards for Leaders
We are pleased to announce that our Lead Volunteer, Terry, has been awarded a Commissioner's Commendation for life saving first aid.


Also, there are long service awards for other Leaders as follows:
Sam 5 years
Jody 10 years
Steven 15 years
Dean 15 years
Carol H 25 years
Mina 30 years

That's a total of 100 years and still going.


New Web Host
Our website has now moved to a new host. You will notice that you no longer get "insecure" messages on your web browser when you visit.


New name for Group Executive

We are now called the Board of Trustees, but it is still us. The new name reflects our responsibilities as charity trustees.


Group Camp 2024
The next Group Camp is booked for 14th to 16th June 2024. Please put the dates in your diary now.


Norfolk Scouts have a new badge which you can get for upholding the five Scouting Values.
Below, we see Nigel receiving the badge from the DC. He got it for writing Risk Assessments.
Nobody wants to do paperwork, but they had to be done.
You can find all our written risk assessments by clicking on the Useful Information button above.

Nigel gets


At last! - New Heating

Yes, good news, our new heating system has been installed at HQ. It is an air source heat pump so it is also better for the environment.

Update - The heater has gone into storage while the building works are continuing at HQ. It will be replaced when the works are completed.


Awards for Leaders

Congratulations to Mina, Akela at Wednesday Cubs, on the award of the Silver Acorn.

Congratulations also go to Cath, Beaver Leader at the Eagle Colony, on the award of the Chief Scout's Commendation for Good Service.


We have new suppliers for our recycling banks. Please help us by bringing along glass, cans, paper and textiles for recycling.

Please note that the can bank now takes tins and foil trays as well as drinks cans.

Update - Recycling is currently suspended during the building works.


If you have any comments or anything you want to add to the website, please contact our webmaster, Nigel.


To see a calendar of Group events just click on this link. For Scouting activities and events, see your section leader.


We are looking for volunteers to attend training courses to become boat instructors.  Let us know if you are interested.


We have our own group on Facebook. Everyone is welcome to join. The group ID is 73679667848. It's a good place to contact members old and new and to find out what is going on.
Remember you must be at least 13 years old to have a Facebook account.


We also have a Car Show Facebook Page. Click here to go to it.


You have probably noticed we are now working with easyfundraising. Now you can help the Group every time you shop on line or search the internet.
Just click the fund raising button at the top of this page.
It's easy to do and it costs you absolutely nothing.


Thank you everyone who helped at the last Jumble Sale. Over £400 was raised for Group Funds.


While we were on Brownsea Island, some of the Scouts were introduced to Geocaching. We found a couple of geocaches on the island but there are many thousands more out there waiting to be discovered.
For details go to www.geocaching.com

Our travel bug which has a group badge attached has recently completed a second journey from New Zealand to Norfolk traveling from cache to cache. This time it crossed North America from California to New York before returning to England. It will go out on a new mission soon.


The Group has increased its fleet of Toppers meaning we can now get more sailors out on the water.

They are not always on their side like this, but everyone has to learn to capsize and recover a sailing boat


Because so many young people are wanting to join us, there can be a lot of pressure on places in the Group. If you know of any young people who want to join, please make sure they are put on the waiting list as soon as possible. Having the waiting list helps us to plan for the future, so please don't wait until the young person is 6 years old, get their name down as soon as you can.
We try to find places for everyone and planning ahead really helps.


Our subscriptions are now £27.50 per term. We are one of the cheapest Scout Groups in the country. We use fund raising to keep the cost down and we make every effort to make Scouting as affordable as possible


Thank you to everyone who has taken part in our various fund raising events. Jumble Sales, Street Collections, Bag Packing, Book Sales, The Car Show and many other events help to raise the profile of Scouting in the area as well as keeping the cost of Scouting down so that it is affordable for everyone.
The latest bag pack event at Roys Supermarket raised over £850 for Group Funds. We are planning to buy climbing equipment for our new climbing wall.


Thank you to everyone who helped out on the work day.
There is still work to be done. Please try to come along and help at work days. Every little helps.

wonky shed
Here you see the team in action sorting out our very wonky shed.


If there are any adults out there who would like to help us by serving on the Group Board of Trustees, you would be most welcome. Just go back to our home page and send us an e-mail.


We are looking for someone to help the Group with publicity work. If you can help, please send us an e-mail.

